About Us

Welcome to FulltimeWealth.com, run by entrepreneurs with over a decade of combined experience of small business funding, online marketing and diverse business ventures. 

Anthony Mangone is a seasoned professional with a rich background in small business financing and real estate investing. For the better part of a decade Anthony has been able to transition from a broker, to assisting small businesses while originating his own deals now working with multiple brokers. He has been able to help a remarkable number of small business obtain funds that could not have received financing otherwise.

 Trevor Fey is an entrepreneur with a diverse portfolio that includes successful e-commerce ventures, Airbnb hosting, Section 8 housing, and new construction real estate projects. Trevor has spent the past 3 years analyzing markets and territories to build a portfolio of real estate assets. As a diversified investor, he has consistently transformed ideas into thriving ventures .  

Ryan Tierney is a versatile professional with a distinguished background in venture capital, institutional sales, and a successful career as a professional lacrosse player. Additionally, he founded a clothing company, a thriving venture that combines his passion for fashion with his entrepreneurial spirit. Ryan’s journey is a testament to his unwavering dedication to excellence, in the world of finance, e-commerce, & on the lacrosse field.